No sounds from Finale

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Inner Seoul
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Operating System: Windows

Post by Inner Seoul » Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:21 am

I have Finale 27, and have updated the latest patch.

Everything was working fine for a while. But, at some point, I noticed that when I was running Finale, the rest of the computer's sounds would turn off. Video playback, alert sounds, all gone. I even tried clicking volume knob on the volume control window, and no test sound came out. I turned off Finale, sound still gone.

I restarted the computer, and all the sounds were back. I did a quick Google search on this problem, and it told me to go to Control Panel => Sound => my speaker (using a laptop, I only have one) => Advanced => Click off "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device."

Done, I turn on Finale, the rest of my system sounds work. But now, I get no sound from Finale. When I enter notes manually, I don't get a confirmation note. When I click playback, it doesn't start. Not just silent as it moves along, it just doesn't start. The rest of the control buttons grey out as normal, but the olive-green bar marking where I am doesn't move at all. I am not getting any sound from Finale at all.

I went back to the Control Panel and clicked "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" back on, no help. And I wouldn't want that to stay on anyways.

Update: Actually, clicking on "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" as well as the line below it, "Give exclusive mode applications priority" fixed the problem, and now I'm getting playback. However, all the other sounds are turned off as per my original problem that sent me down this path. Is there anyway to keep Finale on without turning off all the other sounds?

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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:33 pm
Finale Version: 2014.5,2011,2005,27
Operating System: Windows

Post by motet » Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:01 am

If your audio driver in MIDI/Audio->Device setup is ASIO, that's the reason. Either change to another driver like Direct Sound, or find an alternate driver only that solves this problem. ASIO works the best of the choices for me in terms of latency, so I use something called FlexASIO.

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