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Clearing Midi, Applying Human Playback, and Changing Velocity Under The Hood Still Aren't Fixing It

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:24 pm
by thankyoufortheanswer
I have a file that was imported with MIDI, by open a .mid file. I cannot get the attacks to play on it. Please read on!

1. Have gone into the articulation settings increased the Key Velocity to test.
2. MIDI items have already been cleared in "clear selected items"
3. Apply Human Playback has been tested (as a workaround)
4. Some other stuff has been tried that is less obvious and basically guessing...
5. I could go into "Edit Midi Note" as a last resort to see if that works, but it's not a solution because no one's going to go and do that for every attack in a given piece of music.

I feel like this has happened before to me, but I cannot recall how I got out of it. I rarely import from MIDI files, i.e .mid.

Note: The score is set up and partly done and reimporting the files is not a possiblity, because...I'm not going to start over editing mistakes that inevitably crop up upon importing MIDI files.

Thank you for any suggestions!

Re: Clearing Midi, Applying Human Playback, and Changing Velocity Under The Hood Still Aren't Fixing It

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:15 pm
by Djard
Can you post a sample of the document?