Ctree error 17 in CTENTR:667 (Finale 2005)

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Post by Luke » Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:15 am

Does anyone know how I go about solving this? (I and computers aren't the best of friends, but I try.) Suddenly, I get this error upon opening Finale 2005, and the program closes.

So, I tried to open Finale 2003, which I still have installed for "emergencies" like this. There I get *two* Ctree errors, namely: "Ctree error 17 in CTENTR:654", and "Ctree error 26 in CTENTR:685". The error in Finale 2005 was as in the title; "Ctree error 17 in CTENTR:667". What can have happened that set off all these errors at once? I tried "resetting my system" to a few days back when the program was functioning properly, but to no avail. Anyone?

Thanks in advance.

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