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More on Extracting Parts

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:11 pm
by astrolabe
I would like Finale to update: a. the score automatically when making a change to a part; or b. the parts when making a chnage to the score. I'm told that Sibelius does it now, but I have never looked to see if this is true.

Re: More on Extracting Parts

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:27 pm
by michelp
Yes, it apparently is a new feature offered in Sibelius 4.
Note however that part/score synchronization is not always The perfect solution. There are many situations where both should be slightly different : cue notes are needed for parts, but not for the score, for instance.
A (difficult to implement ?) solution would be multiple synchronization options, sometimes automatic, sometimes applied to specific regions...
Many Finale users have requested that feature on several forums. Who knows, maybe it is going to be available in version 2007...
We'll know in July or August, the usual period for Finale updates.