Can't hear playback

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Post by christylynn » Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:18 pm

This is my first post. I have Print Music 2007...havn't used it in awhile...and am a fairly new user. Anyway, I can't hear any thing when I playback a file. It used to work just fine, but somehow, I must have turned something off and can't figure out how to make it work. Please help a newbie out!!!


***Edited to add that I can hear the playback in notepad, but not print music. What am I doing wrong???

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Finale Version: Finale 27.4
Operating System: Mac

Post by miker » Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:31 pm

Go to the MIDI menu, and in MIDI Setup..., make sure that the MIDI output device in PM is set to the same as in NP.

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Post by Peaceful » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:18 am

I have had the same, or similar problem with this software. When I start Play it trips over the first few notes, kinda hesitates then catches up, and then plays the rest of the score OK. It plays the first measure OK on the repeat. This is the same when I use the playback controls or the space bar and click. My score is a simple piano arrangement. Oh, and when I hit Stop, it repeats the last few notes before stopping.

Oh boy, that was cute. I opened an old score (Written with Songwriter). It did not play at all, then when I closed the file, a second after it closed, it played one note from that score. It is driving me crazy. I am trying to work here.

The Finale gurus told me to re-install the program as follows:

(Don't try this at home, kiddies)

1. You will need to be logged in to this computer on a user account that has full administrative rights.
2. Close PrintMusic 2009.
3. Click your Windows Start button and choose Control Panel.
4. In the Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs.
5. In your program list, select Finale PrintMusic2009, and then click the Remove button.
6. Click your Windows Start button again and choose My Computer.
7. In your My Computer folder, navigate to your C:\Program Files folder, find your Finale PrintMusic 2009 folder and delete it. If you have any personal files saved here, be sure to move them elsewhere first.
8. Click your Windows Start button again and choose Run.
9. In the Run window type "regedit" (without quotes) and press Enter.
10. At this point, you will need to make adjustments to your computer's registry, which contains important data that controls your computer's operation. If you're not familiar or not comfortable modifying registry keys, you may want someone to assist you in person.
11. Carefully navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MakeMusic\Finale PrintMusic 2009\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MakeMusic\Finale PrintMusic 2009\
12. Delete the entire folder key and its subkeys.
13. Close the Registry Editor.
14. Type Ctrl-Alt-Delete to bring up the Task Manager.
15. Under the Processes tab, click on "User Name" to sort the running processes by user ID name.
16. Under the User Name column, find the processes (under the "Image Name" column) that have your account name next to them. Click on each one, then click "End Process," then select OK. Do this for every process with your user name next to it, except taskmgr.exe, explorer.exe, and System Idle Process.
17. Check your system tray (lower-right corner of the screen) and disable any antivirus software you find here, which can interfere with program installations.
18. Reinstall PrintMusic from the installation media or download (

OK so I did all that and it worked. For a few weeks. Then the same problem came up. This morning I did it all again. It was OK for a few hours.

I/we need a better solution.

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Post by christylynn » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:51 am

Thanks for the replies. I'm totally stumped by this. I will try to uninstall and reinstall and see if that helps. But the weird thing is that even sibelius/scorch files won't play...I can see the score, and see the bar moving across the music as it's playing, but no sound. That's what I'm seeing in print music as well...BUT, in notepad, everything works fine. I keep thinking it must be something in my control panel since it's happening with 2 programs...but don't know how to go about changing what needs to be changed. Any other suggestions???

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Post by Peaceful » Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:01 am


Check your Windows volume control setting to make sure that something is not muted out or down in volume. (Although if other programmes sound, this might not be it.)

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Post by queserasera » Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:47 am, first off, peaceful, dude. really very helpful : P I'm sure he's already tried that, if theyre going to such aforementioned extremes

this is my solution copy and pasted from a more recent post about a similair problem

I had your same problem, or..rather still do-

- What I did..was not exactly a convenient fix, I think it has to do with the driver functions..i'm not sure..
but first, right click on the icon and try running it as an administrator. - that..might, actually probably won't do anything. -this is what I did, - you're going to have to get another finale- I got the DEMO <--very important notice of big daddy finale- once you have it, -Turn it on FIRST, open a file and play.-then open printmusic and it SHOULD play back.

hope that helps, and that you get this

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Post by FeeBeeDee » Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:16 pm

I went to MIDI menu, MIDI setup, and changed the device from Smartmusic Softsynth 1 to Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, and it worked, and then I went ahead and changed it to Default MIDI output Device.

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