Login password warnings

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David Ward
Posts: 815
Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:48 pm
Finale Version: F 25.5 & 26.3
Operating System: Mac

Post by David Ward » Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:27 pm

I see Firefox is now issuing warnings about inadequate password security when logging into this site and it seems the same message also comes up when logging into OCTO's http://notat.io/. I'm guessing that this has no significance as long as one is not using one's on-line banking password (or similar) for these sights, and that probably it's just some technical warning that means very little and can safely be ignored.

However, if anyone knows anything different…
Finale 25.5 & 26.3
Mac 10.13.6 & 10.14.6

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