Adding percussion sounds

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Post by motet » Sat May 15, 2021 11:14 pm

Since 62 is a lower number than 63, maybe the documentation is just wrong.

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Post by zuill » Sun May 16, 2021 3:53 am

In the Brush Kit, 76 is High and 77 is Low and they sound correctly. Who knows. Maybe it is the documentation.

In the file I created for this Topic, I chose Brush Drum Kit. The Jazz Fusion Kit also has the same 2 woodblocks.

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Post by rpoepa » Mon May 17, 2021 12:07 am

Woodblock and Slapstick are both working well, and I think I know what to do if I require another percussion sound that isn't already loaded. I want to thank zuill and Peter for walking me through this and getting these bizarre problems sorted out.

One last comment: Finale is a wonderful product and the amount of control it gives you over every aspect is really astounding. This MIDI/Percussion stuff is just one tiny corner. There are a lot of moving pieces involved and the learning curve is pretty steep. It took a lot of staring at dialog boxes, staring at my score and zuill's sample, reading and re-reading the guidance here, to finally sort out things like what a MIDI map is and what a Layout is (and I'm still not sure I fully understand).

What I'm saying is that for me at least, the learning curve is really steep and reading the manual just isn't sufficient. It makes sense if you already understand all the jargon and all the many moving parts. But it's not a place to learn from scratch.

Anyway thank you again for sticking with me and getting my problems resolved.

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