Customizing/Editing Finale 2010 Marching Percussion Sounds

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Post by BluecoatBass09 » Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:57 pm


I have been reading up and looking through other topics to try and solve the problem I am experiencing but I have been unsuccessful in doing what I want to do. To try and best explain this, I was try and layout what I have, what I want to do, and what I am unable to do as best as possible. While reading through keep in mind I'm using Finale 2010 with Windows XP and I am NOT using a MIDI Keyboard but instead using the Simple Entry with a mouse.

So as a start, I use the setup wizard to make a new project with the VDLite Battery Percussion defaults (Snareline, Tenorline, Bassline, 18in Cymbals), all is good and great. I start off with the snareline and notice that I have options for notations including the defaults which as listed are: Snare Section Rims (w/ LH), Snare Section Rim Shots (w/ LH), Snare Drum, and Snare Section hits (w/ LH). This is all fine and dandy, however the rims and the rimshots sound the same, which I would like to be able to change.

Essentially I want to be able to add/edit different sounds and notations for the snare part as well; including adding notations and editing/matching sounds for Rim shots, buzzes, stick clicks, cowbell, rolls, etc,... I understand how to create new notation and edit noteheads through the Percussion Layout Designer, but what I am having trouble with is customizing each of those notations with their appropriate sounds.

I also know how to get to the Percussion MIDI Map Editor, but past that I am lost. I know through the Garritan Instruments program that the VDLSnareline sounds are far less than the VDLFinale Marching Percussion Maps one is, but again I have no idea how to configure the correct sound to meet my notations. I have tried switching the Instrument List to be set to VDLFinale Marching Percussion Map for my Snare staff, but then no sound comes out. I have also tried changing the MIDI Note #s in the MIDI Map Editor but, again no sound comes out.

Essentially here is my problem. I cannot customize/edit the percussion sounds to match the notation I want. I also have no way of knowing (as of yet) where MIDI Key #75 is (i.e.) and what sound that it is supposed to make. All I know is that the sounds I want are ALL on the VDLFinale Marching Percussion Map as based off of what I hear in the Garritan Instruments Program and I currently have no idea how to get those to playback properly on my Finale notations.

If anyone could help by showing me the proper steps in creating a brand new notation and then how to customize that one in specific (i.e. adding a stick click notation, and then customizing the sound; or something similar to my problem) then I could just replicate the steps for the different sounds I would like from there on out.

Thanks in advance.

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Post by BluecoatBass09 » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:16 pm


I was playing around more with the program and noticed I could create a project with the VDLFinale Marching Percussion Map as one of the staves, go to the notation, add in the sound I want (where I want), and it would play the correct sound. But is this the easiest way to do it? I really would have to believe there's an easier way than going in and having 4 staves of VDLFinale Marching Percussion Map and editing each staff to represent the sounds I want from Snares, Tenors, Basses, and Cymbals... right?

In further description, what I currently would have to do is go to the Percussion Layout Designer, remove all the sounds/notations I would have no use for, and then go back and add all the ones that I would. Is there an easier way?

Warren Barnett
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Post by Warren Barnett » Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:00 am

Unfortunately, the map which is used when you use the Setup Wizard is incorrect. That is one of the reasons that the rims and rimshots sound the same. Also, I think that you will find that there are only 5 bass drums, but there should be 6. It is all messed up. I created the correct files before for Finale 2011, but if you give me a day or two, I will create them for Finale 2010 and post them here.
Warren Barnett

Finale 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
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Warren Barnett
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Post by Warren Barnett » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:35 am

Try these. There are 3 files which must be put with their buddy files with the same extensions. All my stuff contains the word "Custom" for a couple of reasons. Since the default Finale note names are either ambiguous or silly, I have tried to add a custom name which is much more appropriate. At times, for quads, quints or sexes, Finale defaults to names such as High tom, High-mid tom, Low-mid tom and Low tom, when anyone who marches knows they are Drum 4, Drum 3, Drum 2, and Drum 1. Also, although there may be indications for left hand (LH), there is no indication for right hand (RH). When I create an note name such as Drum 1 RH, Finale tacks "(Custom xxx)" to the end of the name. Generally the xxx does not indicate anything special when MakeMusic has created a custom name, but for ease of mind, in my custom note name, "xxx" indicates the MIDI note/pitch. (I'm not sure why anyone would do it any other way). I use the word "Custom" in all the files so that they can be identified from Finale supplied files. You can't pull any of thiss up from the Setup Wizard, just open the template. If you need more instruments, just add the appropriate staves.

The VDLite Custom Auxilliary For Finale Marching Percussion Layout and the VDLite Custom General MIDI Percussion Layout do not necessarily have the noteheads that you may want, nor be on the correct possition on the staff, but at least it is a starting point. That is all easily altered. If you change things in the original, then make sure to rename the original first so that you don't screw it up. You can always then change noteheads, staff positions, remove sounds from the layout that you won't want, etc., etc., etc., in your copy, but leave the original file alone.
VDLite Custom
(38.74 KiB) Downloaded 497 times
Warren Barnett

Finale 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Garritan Personal Orchestra 4.01
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Warren Barnett
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Post by Warren Barnett » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:52 am

Here is an explanation of the proceedure for creating your own custom XML files. It doesn't do you much good to be able to use them if you don't know how they were created. I wrote this up a while ago specifically for Garritan Jazz and Big Band 2 (JABB2) and Garritan Concert and Marching Band (CAMB) and Garritan Concert and Marching Band 2 (COMB), so you may notice some references to them, but the idea is the same for the VDLite sounds from Tapspace. Learn to create your own.

Creating the .xml file is actually simple. Click on MIDI/Audio - Device Setup - Edit Percussion MIDI Maps. You can select an existing map to EDIT or create your own. You can't actually do much with a Finale created map so don't bother with them. You can however do anything that you want with a custom one. Lets say that you want to name the Concert Toms in CAMB. Click on NEW beside Select a MIDI device to edit, then make name the new XML file whatever you want it to be called. It moves to "New Map" and asks you to name the new map that will be in the .xml file. (If you noticed when you clicked on the .xml file earlier, each .xml file can contain several maps). Click on "Selecte a note type to add". (Yes now there are note "types") and ignore all the nice names that already appear. You could choose them but you will run into the dilema that MakeMusic had when it came to using those names ONLY since they don't contain a complete and useful and intuitive list (No Bass Drum 2 RH, although there is a Bass Drum 2 and a Bass Drum 2 LH). Just skip down to "Custom" and it opens a list from Custom 1 to Custom 128. Pick one, but I picked the number that was the same as the MIDI note number. The octave numbers in the Finale MIDI keyboard to MIDI Note Numbers are 1 octave different from the Garritan MIDI Keyboard, but the Garritan documentation does not have a MIDI keyboard to MIDI Note Numbers chart. This is useful to be aware of. The MakeMusic supplied .xml files were all created using the Finale version of the MIDI keyboard to MIDI Note Numbers chart, and were therefore ALL incorrecrt, except someone else may have noticed and the VDL Marching Percussion ones were actually correct, but still used the stupid names from the existing Finale database, and when a custom would have been required, because they ran out of stupid names, just left it blank, as were ALL the MakeMusic created CAMB.xml custom name entries. Anyway, once you have selected the Custom xxx, you must click on Add Note Type, and then enter the actaul MIDI Note number that it will use, and then at the bottom, enter your Custom Note Type name. Now you can go back and enter the rest of the note types that will need, but don't forget to enter the MIDI note number and give it the name that you want. This has been a long paragraph , but the entry method actually takes about 3 seconds per note type. If you click OK to close this all up, then you will find that you can select this New MIDI Map in the Instrument list. (Don't forget, in order to choose the .xml file in the instrument list, the staff must already be designated as a percussion notation staff in the Staff Attribute dialog box). That's it. Now you have your list of names.

Go to the Staff Attributes dialog box for the staff that you want to use. Down at the bottom beside "Notehead Font" click "Select" and choose the font that you want to use, usually Maestro Percussion". (This is the same as before). Beside "Notation Style: Percussion" click on "Select". Click on "Create". Name the Layout name. (This is the same as before). Click on the "+" button in the lower left hand corner. This gives you a blank "Note Type" with the default note types in the defaul location. Select the blank Note Type. Click on the "Select" drop down list on the right and go down and choose "Custom", and you can see that it opens the barand new .xml file that you created and then chose in the instrument list. Choose one of the custom note names that you created and you will find that the previously blank note type now has been renamed to the one that you chose. (This was not as before). Now you can select the noteheads and the staff position. (This the same as before).

So as you can see, although I have given a long winded explanation for clarity (I hope), it really isn't all that hard. Before, you would have had to choose the MIDI note in the Percussion Map Designer, given it a name, chosen the noteheads, and chosen the postion on the staff. Now you are just creating the note name and chosing the MIDI note number in a different operation.

With any Custom map, if you are going to send a file to a friend, you must now also send the .lib file and the .xml file that was used. I have made a request with MakeMusic support, that this be included in the .mus file, just as all that info used to be included in the .mus file.

I hope that this explains SOMETHING and will take some of the anxiety out of the entire thing.
Warren Barnett

Finale 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Garritan Personal Orchestra 4.01
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Warren Barnett
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Post by Warren Barnett » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:55 am

I also wrote this up at the same time as an explanation as to how to use the .XML and .LIB files with a new document.

In Finale 2010, the XML files belong in the C:\Program Files\Finale 2010\Finale MIDI Devices folder and the .lib files go in the C:\Program Files\Finale 2010\Libraries folder

In Finale 2011 the .xml file goes in the C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\MakeMusic\Finale 2011\MIDI Device Annotation and the .lib file goes in the C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\MakeMusic\Finale 2011\Libraries folder. This is for Windows 7 or Vista. For XP the folder is C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\Application Data\MakeMusic\Finale 2011\MIDI Device Annotation.

Go to the Kontakt 2 or Aria player and make sure that you chose the insrtument that you want in the player. You can use any MIDI Channel that you want, you don't need to use channels 10, 26, 42, etc. the way that you used to. Click on File - Load Library. It should take you to the Libraries folder for the version of Fnale that you are using. Scroll down and choose the appropriate library. Don't forget that my Custom Libraries contain the word "Custom". Make sure that the staff you are using is set up as a percussion staff. Now go to the Instrument List. Create an Instument name in the Instument List and make sure that the MIDI Channel that is selected is the same as the MIDI Channel that the instrument is using in the Aria or Kontakt 2 player. Over on the right side is a drop down list under Perc. MIDI Map. Click the down arrow and find the same instrument in the list that you loaded into the Aria player and click on it so that is shows at the right side in the Instrument List. Once again, all the instruments contain the word "Custom". Close the Instrument list. Select the Staff Tool. open the Staff Attributes window for the staff. In Finale 2010b you can either right click the staff handle, or double click on the staff itself. In Finale 2011, you must double click the staff, you cannot right click the staff handle because it doesn't do anything. Click on the "Select" button beside Notation Style: Percussion. (If it wasn't already set as percussion here, you would not have been able to choose the Percussion MIDI Map earlier). At the bottom of the percussion Layout Selection List (They have renamed EVERYTHING) you should see all the "Custom" layouts that I created. (Don't forget, mine all say "Custom") Click the layout that coresponds to your instrument, and then click EDIT. That opens the Percussion Layout Designer Window. Now you should see, on the left, all the Note Types that are named the way that they appear in the JABB or CAMB or COMB documentation, plus "(Custom xxx)" added to the end of the Note Type name. Every Note Type Name in my layouts says "(Custom xxx)". This is something that Finale imposes on every name that you create yourself (Hopefully they will stop this in the future, but I suppose it has some sort of advantages in certain default situations, but not when every name is custom, as in this case. Perhaps an option to turn this on or off would be in order). Where you see "(Custom xxx)", the "xxx" refers to the Finale MIDI note number, in case you might need to know. In the case of longer names and the "xxx" does not show, you can highlight the Note Type, click on the Note Type dropdown list near the top right, and that open up a list of every name that Finale already has in its database, listed according to the names in its existing Instumentation of Rowloff sounds General MIDI Percussion Maps etc. Since these all *** when it comes to complicated names that occur in JABB and CAMB, ignore them and choose the bottom option which, once againg is Custom. It should show with a check mark beside it already. When you click the word "Custom it should bring up the list of every Custom name in the Instrument that you have chosen with a check mark beside the appropriate "Custom Name (Custom xxx)". The xxx is the MIDI note number. (I have requested that the MIDI note number be displayed somewhere on the Percussion Layout Designer window. It used to be there before, and some people use it). If you cannot see the complete list (and I bet that you can't) it is because I don't think that anyone at Finale ever tested this feature with actual custom names in the list, or they would have noticed that once you get past a certain number of custom names or the size of the names gets too long, or some combination of the two or even something else altogether, it messes up the list, without continuation arrows or anything like that. Fortunately, I discovered that if you click on the list that you can arrow down the list off the screen. No one at MakeMusic knew of this problem, which is why I am fairly sure that no one else in the world has tried to do this stuff or they would likely have brought it to MakeMusic's attention. This list-running-off-the-page issue occurs on EVERY list in the new percussion method at this time. But I digress. Anyway, get out of this list and back to the Percussion layout Designer. You can change the position of the notes on the staff in this window, as well as change the noteheads if these don't please you, the same way that you could in versions previous to Finale 2010. However, now you can add or delete Note Types to a degree that you couldn't before, and you can easily rearrange the order that the Note types appear which you could do bfore, but it took a whole lot of fiddling about to do it. Anyway, close the Percussion Layout Designer, click SELECT to close the Percussion Layout Selection Window, and then click OK to close the Staff Attributes window. Now when you enter notes on the staff, you should see the note names appear above the staff as you enter them, and the names change as you up or down arrow in Speedy Entry, or as you mouse over in Simple Entry.

I find that once there are a couple of notes entered in some other staff, the measures condense to an optimum size for that measure, or the measure with the requiring the most space so far. However, this chops off the name of the notes so that perhaps all that you can see is "Snare Section R" instead of the complete "Snare Section RH Hits (Custom xxx)" Are you entering a rimshot, rim, RH Hit, or what? You can't necessarily tell. I have put in a request with support to lay this entire info above the staff whether the measure is condensed or not. My personal workaround is the click on Document - Document Options - Music Spacing and change the Minimum Measure Width to at least 3. That keeps the measures nice and wide so that you can continue to see the entire name (or at least most of it). You can always turn this feature off by resetting it to the original alue once you are finished entering all your pecussion staves.

I have also found that most percussion notes are preferred to be stems up, and a bunch of stems will obliterate the Note Names as they display, so I turn all the stems down while entering notes. You can also fix this once you are done. Once again, I have requested with support that something be done about this, such as the abitity to move the Note Names further above the staff, or possibly below the staff.
Warren Barnett

Finale 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Garritan Personal Orchestra 4.01
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Warren Barnett
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Post by Warren Barnett » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:08 am

You will also find that you can alter the order of the notes in the percussion layout. You used to be able to do it previous to Finale 2010 but it was a real pain. Now it is easy.

On a MIDI keyboard, left hand notes are always to the left of the right hand notes. (Only makes sense). Also, MIDI note 1 is to the left of MIDI note 2 etc. Following this logic, the lower MIDI notes are first when entering notes in your music, when there is more than one note on a single staff position. By default you will get the left hand sound first, and only get to the right hand sound by hitting the up arrow. Since you probably want the right hand sounds to appear in your music first (or only the right hand sounds, since it is easier) I recommend that you go into the percussion layouts and rearrange the right and left hand sounds. Just click on a sound and hit the up or down arrow to organize them. You may also find the there are other sounds between the rights and lefts (such as snare rimshots).
Warren Barnett

Finale 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Garritan Personal Orchestra 4.01
Garritan Jazz & Big Band 3
Garritan Concert & Marching Band 2
Garritan World Instruments
Garritan Steinway Piano Basic Edition
Tapspace Virtual Drumline 2.52

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Post by BluecoatBass09 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:45 pm

Thanks for all the information in your replies! I ended up figuring out everything right as you were responding I think, but I'm definitely going to give those configurations u sent me a try as well. Thanks!

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