Proofread more carefully

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Posts: 52
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:11 pm
Finale Version: Finale 27
Operating System: Mac

Post by engelbach » Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:50 pm

In navigating around this new board I found a number of typos. Although one does not expect users who post to use perfect English, the board itself should be held to at least a minimum standard.

"In order to keep the Finale Forum free of charge to it's users ..."
You mean the possessive "its" (no apostrophe), not the contraction "it's," meaning "it is."

"It's only aroun $20 and it's worth it."
"It's" is used correctly, but what happened to "around"?

"... you will not be able to post to these message."
No comment.

"For more Finale related books ..."
"Finale related" requires a hyphen thus: "Finale-related books."

If you want to hire a professional proofreader I'm available.
Jerry Engelbach
iMac OSX Catalina, Finale 27, Note Performer 4, Perfect Layout

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