guitar chord diagrams

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Post by BKeeney7 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:09 am

I am new to Songwriter 2012. My problem arises when entering guitar chords into a score. When I click "show fret boards" , I get only a four string version of the chord (particularly noticeable on G and C chords). I'd like to present six string fret board images if possible. Doesn't happen in "Lyrics and Chords" Template, only in every other template, including custom. Is there a way to change or set preferences in this? Or do I have to upgrade to full Finale? Thank you.

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Peter Thomsen
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:27 pm

Welcome to the forum!

As you have found out, some items are document specific, including a chord suffix and its 12 fretboard diagrams.

It is true that you can do, what you are asking about, in the “full Finale”.
But there actually is a workaround for SongWriter.
I will come to that in a moment.

1) For Your Information:
In the “full Finale” there is support for so called libraries.
A library is a special file that contains document specific items (not program specific items), such as e. g. chord suffixes and fretboards.
A library is not the same thing as a Finale document; a library has a different file name extension, namely .lib.
In the “full Finale” you can open a document, and save a library with selected document items.
Also, you can open a document, and load a library into the document.

2) The workaround for SongWriter uses the fact that you can copy music between documents.
First you need a document that contains the items, you need - in this case the chord suffixes with six string fretboards.
* Make a duplicate copy of this document, and open the duplicate.
* In the duplicate document, enter some music, and add chord symbols so that all the chord suffixes are used. (This step may take some time)
* To transfer the chord suffixes to another document, copy the music, and insert the music into the other document.
If you use this other document as a template, all new documents created from the template will have the chord suffixes with
six string fretboards.
* When you are done, you can safely clear the music from the template. The new chord suffixes will stay in the document’s Chord Suffix Selection.
* Also, you can trash the duplicate document.

3) It would be nice to get rid of the suffixes you do not need (= the suffixes with four string fretboards).
I do not know SongWriter, and I do not know whether you in the Chord Suffix Selection dialog box in SongWriter have a button for deleting a suffix you do not need.
It is no surprise that the “full Finale” has a such button:
ChordSuffixSelection.jpg (40.71 KiB) Viewed 14023 times
Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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Post by miker » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:32 am

Unfortunately, SongWriter lacks those options. And it certainly appears that the wrong chord library was loaded. So the first thing I would do is to submit a ticket to tech support. They will do nothing, of course, but at least it will be on their radar.

In the meantime, all is not lost! Start a new document from the Guitar TAB template. Use the template, not the setup wizard! That loads the correct chord library. Add any other instruments that you might want, in the Score Manager. You can even delete the TAB staff. The correct 6-string chord library will be loaded.
Finale 27 | SmartScorePro 64
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