Audio Interfaces that Work with Finale 26

Discuss technical issues with keyboards, sound, video cards, etc.

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Finale Version: 26
Operating System: Windows

Post by Vgarcia » Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:00 pm

Good afternoon. I am a long user of Finale, since mid 90’s or so. I have used three generations of Focusrite audio interfaces and lately, I had to make a change due to a motherboard failure. Since the change, I have not been able to get good performance and frequent BSOD’s due to driver related issues. I waited for weeks from technical support and it was a joke and completely unhelpful. So, I decided to sell my Focusrite Clarett USB 2Pre and tried the SB AE-9. It has surprised me with the sound quality, but their are significant latency issues. I use Vienna Ensemble Pro as a host. The issues I have are always and have always been with ASIO drivers and I have been forced to use ASIO4ALL since 2003 or so. Finale has never accepted any of the Focusrite ASIO drivers and certainly not any from E-MU or Creative. That all said...

I am interested in hearing about solutions that do in fact work with Finale with the manufacturer’s ASIO. My orchestral templates run off of 4-6 NVME drives with up to 64 GB ram used. I am very well versed in the troubleshooting routines and have been doing them for years. What have you all found to work for you? Thank you for your thoughts.

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Finale Version: 25
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Post by oldmkvi » Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:59 pm

Why do you need an Interface instead of a Dac?
I use Mytek and Audioquest, both work fine with Finale.

Bill Reed
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Post by Bill Reed » Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:36 pm

An audio Interface IS as DAC
Finale 25, Overture, Sibelius, Notion, Cubase, StaffPad
Win10 x64, 32GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20
Kontakt, VSL VI Pro, VE Pro, EWQL Orch, Choirs and Pianos
August Foster 190

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Post by oldmkvi » Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:40 pm

I thought he might have wanted to use a Mic with Finale, but that doesn't seem likely.
My Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 is not nearly as good as the Mytek , as a DAC.
(Also, not nearly as expensive...)
I only use it as a Mic Pre into DAW.
Over and out!

Posts: 393
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:13 pm
Finale Version: 25
Operating System: Mac

Post by oldmkvi » Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:20 pm

I have the FR 2i2, cheap.
There's a check box in Prefs that specifically addresses Latency.
I had it un-checked for some reason, and it was a MESS!
Re-Checked it, all is fine.
But what do you use it for with Finale?
I mean, a Dragonfly Dac will playback Finale just fine.
Do you use a Mic, or use the Line Level inputs for something with Finale?
I'm on Mac, so no ASIO.

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